Women Leading The Cannabis Industry: “Don’t be afraid of collaboration, embrace it” With Brittany Carbone of TONIC. An Interview With Candice Georgiadis (Authority Magazine, 10/11/21)
Don’t be afraid of collaboration, embrace it. If you are aiming to be a small-mid sized cannabis business then you need to be prepared to compete with corporate cannabis. As the industry matures, it is only going to get more consolidated, the powerful will get more powerful, but there can still be plenty of space for craft operators. The important thing is for those craft operators and medium sized businesses to SUPPORT EACH OTHER! We can create hundreds of millionaires instead of a few billionaires, but we need to work together to do that. Connect with like minded businesses and find ways to work together, to amplify each other’s voices, to share resources in order to keep costs down. The amazing thing about the cannabis industry is that we are practically building something from scratch. It’s going to be really easy for cannabis to become just like any other industry, but we do have the unique power to nip that in the bud (no pun intended) by working together towards common goals and understanding that this is bigger than just one individual company — it’s about finally liberating this plant in a way that is good for the people and good for the planet.
As a part of my series about strong women leaders in the cannabis industry, I had the pleasure of interviewing Brittany Carbone.
Brittany founded TONIC in 2017, while working as a personal trainer and health coach on Long Island, NY. Bootstrapping as a solopreneur, Carbone grew the company from a side-hustle operating out of her parents’ kitchen to the 7-figure business it is today, all while staying true to her original vision and mission of bringing the most healing to the most people.
Brittany not only leads the all-female team at TONIC as the FOUNDER & CEO, but she also co-founded Tricolla Farms and Bardo Labs. From full-supply chain control and the adoption of industry-leading authentication technology, to TONIC’s monthly giving initiatives and Bardo’s social equity programs, Carbone is paving the way for an industry that operates with intention, integrity, and inclusivity.
Read more at: Women Leading The Cannabis Industry: “Don’t be afraid of collaboration, embrace it” With Brittany Carbone of TONIC (Authority Magazine, 10/11/21)